
21st Century Stack.


  • React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Node- Executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.

  • TypeScript - Superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.

  • Redux - A Predictable State Container for JS Apps.

  • Redux-Sagas - An alternative side effect model for Redux apps.

  • Reselect - Selector library for Redux.

  • Emotion - Emotion is a library designed for writing css styles with JavaScript.

  • Express - Node.js web application framework.


  • Travis - Test and Deploy with Confidence.

  • Hound - Automated code review for GitHub pull requests.

  • CodeCov - Improves your code review workflow and quality.

  • Netlify - Netlify builds, deploys and hosts your front-end.

  • Husky - Git hooks made easy woof!

  • Heroku - A cloud platform as a service supporting several programming languages.

  • Docker - Empowering App Development for Developers.

  • Istanbul - JavaScript test coverage tool.


  • Jest - Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework.

  • Enzyme - JavaScript Testing utilities for React.


  • MongoDB - The database for modern applications.

  • Redis - Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store.


  • Sentry - Application Monitoring and Error Tracking Software.

  • Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.

  • React Loadable - A HOC for loading components with promises.

  • IDB - IndexedDB with usability.

  • Font Awesome - Font Awesome is a font and icon toolkit based on CSS and LESS.

  • React Router - Router for react applications.

Additional tools.

  • Prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.

  • ESlint - Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.

Deprecated Stack ๐Ÿงจ (We are migrating from this stack => TS, Emotion).

  • SAAS - Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets.

  • BootStrap 4 - JS UI Framework.

  • Material UI - React components for faster and easier web development.

  • Prop-Types - Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects.

  • Lodash - A JavaScript utility library delivering consistency, modularity.

Migration Ideas. ๐Ÿ’ญ

We also plan to introduce some new technologies in the near future.

  • GraphQL - A query language for your API.

  • Relay - The production-ready GraphQL client for React.

  • Microservices in Golang - Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language

Last updated